A note from the webmaster:
Hello! I am glad that you have taken the time to visit my Criss Angel web site. It is my sincerest intention to give credit where credit is due for pictures, articles, and information regarding illusionist Criss Angel that appears throughout this web site. It is not my intention to steal information, pictures, etc., presented here and credit it as my own. My only aim is to make a web site dedicated to an illusionist and his art, and I hope you will support me with the continuation of this web site.
Below is a list of entities largely responsible for the content presented throughout this web site. If you feel that your organization is not represented as it should, or if you feel that certain pictures, articles, or content is being used without the proper permissions, please contact me at copyright@loyallyyours.com . I hope that we can work together to make this web site all that it can be.
Thank you,
Web site layout & design © 2018 Loyallyyours.com. Web site template provided by w3schools. All photos/images, articles, press releases, and content/descriptions not otherwise written by the webmaster are © their respective owners, as listed below:
Cirque du Soleil,
Criss Angel / AWPI,
Film Magic,
Foxwoods Resort & Casino,
Getty Images,
Las Vegas Sun / Vegas Deluxe,
Life & Style,
Luxor Hotel & Casino,
Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino,
Rex Features,
Spike TV,
US Weekly,
Wire Image